43. May, Thomas. Their suggestions have been extremely useful. ). << Raz, , The Authority of Law, supra note 4 at 3 1. Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History, ebooks can be used on all reading devices. Simmons, John, “Philosophical Anarchism” in Justification and Legitimacy—Essays on Rights and Obligations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001 The ideas of this paper have been fruitfully discussed with Ricardo Caracciolo. So, Raz thinks that practical authority is both an epistemic authority and an authority able to make a practical difference. A shameful display of indecency and pride. Published online by Cambridge University Press: URL: /core/journals/canadian-journal-of-law-and-jurisprudence. ). /Marked true If there is an authority which is legitimate, then its subjects are duty bound to obey it whether they agree with it or not. >> For an analysis of the relationship between legitimate authority and (general) obligation to obey the law see Reath, Andrews, “Legislating the Moral Law” (1994) 28 The Conflict Between Authority and Autonomy from Robert Wolff, In Defense of Anarchism (1970) 1. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785), [abbreviated G] I use the canonical numbering of the Academy. I distinguish two versions: the epistemic and the voluntarist. The issue is clarified by distinguishing between first-order autonomy (self-judgment on first order reasons) and second-order autonomy (self-judgment about the relevant reasons, including second order reasons). . Certainly, Hobbes’s sentence can be interpreted in a conceptual, explanatory, or justificatory sense. JavaScript is currently disabled, this site works much better if you >> In a case where the agent’s acts are based on beliefs that are false, the agent could have complied with the duty of autonomy but would not with the duty of acting in accordance with real, existent reasons. The analysis leads Bayón to contend that the best knowledge of facts which are relevant for the determination of the concrete normative situation merely allows justifying theoretical authorities. Going from authority to autonomy and embracing eventual consistency. Wood, , supra note 47 at 106 Questions about the relationship between autonomy and authority are raised in nearly every area of moral philosophy. Something is beyond the control of the agent if the agent cannot determine whether or not it is present, what its content consists of, or whether or not (or in what way) it influences her. : “Kant’s ethical theory is grounded upon the idea that the moral law binds me only because it is regarded as proceeding from my own will.”. ) at 16 [emphasis in the original]. See Simmons, John, Moral Principles and Political Obligations (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1979 Wood, Allen (Kantian Ethics (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008 Such a duty is inconsistent with autonomy, with the right and the duty to act responsibly, in the light of reason. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Hart, : “on Hobbes’ view, the Sovereign in giving his commands which are law is exercising a right arising from the subject’s contract.” Hart, HLA, supra note 21 at 253 >> Deber Jurídico y Razones para la Acción (Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1991 (���P����~wz2����$�u�ʺ!��'�r�*\z��$��l*V8�֤���9�����C_��-2�S�7��Wt��0���i؏՚v�A�a �D�¥�����?A}���������zN�:aLvw�b����U��$�8$�^4�#N;u 7���4�d�|�&���E9A���+�#��+����ܮ��������� �Ȃ���+0��UD���2ݳ��)�辠�p�XJ�Yݕ���3�9s����~US�;߁#hR�Z���a��iEn�Y�A.g�g?=�7}Hg��d���1s7���t6��\�b�O#��_H���Ѡ�_���'W�����;={m��S������L�W����N�P}n�}�nuo��&v~q�8:A��0�S|i9������H�b _~a�v"��L���̍�Dz�A�;U*�-#8U�\hC��%z����r���K�@��A�v��csP�����i��bwW)�w�;(�����yT��~�p���$cU{�l�U�sl�4a-#��I�����r�P�d�,���f���A��p�U�ʛ�Y�G Check if you have access via personal or institutional login, COPYRIGHT: © Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 2014, The Social Contract and the First and Second Discourses, Is There a Prima Facie Obligation to Obey the Law, Moral Principles and Political Obligations, La Relevancia Práctica de una Autoridad Normativa.

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