Publications World Heritage Review Series Resource Manuals World Heritage wall map More publications ... Funding World Heritage Fund International Assistance. The major colonial-era supplier of silver for Spain, Potosí was directly and tangibly associated with the massive import of precious metals to Seville, which precipitated a flood of Spanish currency and resulted in globally significant economic changes in the 16th century. Criterion (ii): The “Imperial City” of Potosí, such as it became following the visit of Francisco de Toledo in 1572, exerted lasting influence on the development of architecture and monumental arts in the central region of the Andes by spreading the forms of a baroque style incorporating Indian influences. La historia de Potosí está totalmente ligada a este cerro y a las minas que tiene dentro. [20] The mine is located in the south of the country in Potosí Department. In Cerro de San Pedro you can not miss the Parish Temple, dedicated to San Pedro Apóstol, the church of San Nicolás Tolentino, patron of the miners, and the Museum of Rocks and Minerals, where you will learn more about the activities that were carried out in this “real” during its time of greatest mining splendor. 05918 of 6/11/1961; Créase la Comisión Nacional de Restauración y Puesta en Valor de Potosí (Establishment of the National Commission for the Restoration and Revitalization of Potosí), D.S. The City of Potosí is authentic in terms of the ensemble’s forms and designs, materials and substances, and location and setting. De zilverertswinning vond plaats met behulp van hydraulische molens. أمّا التجمّع الحالي، فيضم النصب الصناعية في سيرو ريكو حيث تُجرّ المياه بواسطة نظام معقّد من القنوات المائية والبحيرات الإصطناعية، وكذلك مدينة كازا دي لا مونيدا الاستعمارية، وكنيسة سان لورنزو، والمنازل الفخمة وأحياء العمّال، المسمّاة بالإسبانية "باريوس ميتايوس". [14], FENCOMIN (National Federation of Mining Cooperatives in Bolivia) was a vital player in insuring the successful popular election of Evo Morales and also functioned as one of the leaders in drafting Bolivia's new constitution establishing a plural mining economy (state, private, and cooperative). El paso por las costillas de la sierra concluyó satisfactoriamente tras un par de horas de terracería, cuando el panorama se transformó en un valle de campos abiertos y casas de colores bajo la gran sombra del Cerro El Potosí. This former Real de Minas (located 20 minutes east of the city of San Luis Potosí) was the one that gave rise to the current state capital, at the end of the 16th century. Daarvoor was Potosí een klein gehucht in de ijzige eenzaamheid van de Andes. The authenticity of the property is thus threatened, and urgent and appropriate action must be taken to protect human lives, to improve working conditions and to prevent further deterioration of this vulnerable component of the property. The Cerro Rico de Potosí was the richest source of silver in the history of mankind. [7] Some writers such as Eduardo Galeano, in his work Open Veins of Latin America, estimates that up to eight million have died in the Cerro Rico since the 16th century. It is known as the "mountain that eats men" because of the large number of workers who died in the mines. In 2006, state miners and cooperatives clashed at Huanuni leaving 16 dead leading to the firing of Morales' first Mining Minister, a member of FENCOMIN. "[17][18], Cerro Rico de Potosí was accidentally discovered in 1545 by Diego de Huallpa, a Quechua silver miner for Spanish invaders, while he was searching the mountain for an Inca shrine or traditional burial offering. Web premiada con el premio internacional OX L’endroit était considéré au XVIe siècle comme le plus grand complexe industriel du monde. It and its region prospered enormously following the discovery of the New World’s biggest silver lodes in the Cerro de Potosí south of the city. In de 16e eeuw gold het gebied rondom Potosí als 's werelds grootste industriële complex. The whole industrial production chain from the mines to the Royal Mint has been conserved, and the underlying social context is equally well illustrated, with quarters for the Spanish colonists and for the forced labourers separated from each other by an artificial river. The Casa de la Moneda (Royal Mint), reconstructed in 1759, as well as a number of patrician homes, whose luxury contrasted with the bareness of the rancherias of the native quarter, also remain. This includes mines, notably the Royal mine complex, the biggest and best-conserved of the some 5,000 operations that riddled the high plateau and its valleys, dams that controlled the water that activated the ore-grinding mills, aqueducts, milling centres and kilns. Web Browser not supported for ESRI ArcGIS API version 4.10. The ground ore was then amalgamated with mercury in refractory earthen kilns called huayras or guayras. The work of historians such as Peter Bakewell,[9] Noble David Cook,[10] Enrique Tandeter [11] and Raquel Gil Montero[12] portray a more accurate description of the human-labor issue (free and non-free workers) with completely different estimates. The social context is equally well represented: the Spanish zone, with its monuments, and the very poor native zone are separated by an artificial river. From the mine to the Royal Mint (reconstructed in 1759), the whole production chain is conserved, along with the dams, aqueducts, milling centres and kilns. The Cerro de Potosí reached full production capacity after 1580, when a Peruvian-developed mining technique known as patio, in which the extraction of silver ore relied on a series of hydraulic mills and mercury amalgamation, was implemented. As a result of centuries long mining, in 2011 a sinkhole in the top appeared and had to be filled with ultra-light cement. [19] The red mountain, now known as Cerro Rico, sits nestled between the Porco and Sucre mines, which had previously been discovered, being at lower altitudes and therefore easier to mine. United Nations. source: UNESCO/ERI A former miner discussed the great risks of working at Cerro Rico with a reporter; "the mountain that eats men" has claimed that some 8 million lives have been lost over the centuries according to a recent book. The Bolivian Mining Corporation included the preservation of the form, topography and natural environment of the mountain as one of the objectives for its future exploitation. The industrial infrastructure comprised 22 lagunas or reservoirs, from which a forced flow of water produced the hydraulic power to activate 140 ingenios or mills to grind silver ore. Het gebied bestaat uit het industriële Cerro Rico – met een watersysteem van aquaducten en kunstmatige meren, de koloniale stad met het Casa de la Moneda, de kerk van San Lorenzo, verschillende patriciërshuizen en de barrios mitayos, gebieden waar de arbeiders woonden. "You have to be crazy to work in the mines, with the conditions. WebGL must be enable, Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Responses, World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme (WHEAP), Technical assistance for the creation of a museum on the archaeological and mining site of the City of Potosí, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Mission to Potosí, Bolivia for eventual removal from List of World Heritage in Danger, City of Potosí (Plurinational State of Bolivia) added to List of World Heritage in Danger, World Heritage Centre expressed concern to the Minister of Cultures of Bolivia on Tiwanaku, Astronomy and World Heritage Thematic Initiative, Human Evolution: Adaptations, Dispersals and Social Developments (HEADS), Initiative on Heritage of Astronomy, Science and Technology, Initiative on Heritage of Religious Interest, Natural World Heritage in the Congo Basin, Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, Reducing Disasters Risks at World Heritage Properties, World Heritage and Sustainable Development, World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Programme, World Heritage Centre’s Natural Heritage Strategy.

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