German naval forces above and below the waves continued their steady war of annihilation against the naval and merchant vessels of Britain and her subservient allies. To insure an impartial plebiscite and to make sure that all necessary preliminary preparation work is properly carried out, this territory will come under the authority of an international commission, similar to the one organized in the Saar territory [for the 1935 plebiscite there]. extent, had decreased the value of the dollar, had brought about a further 14. I will pass over the insulting attacks made by this In order to guarantee unhindered traffic between Germany and East Prussia, and between Poland and the [Baltic] Sea during this period [before the plebiscite], roads and rail lines may be built to insure free transit. German consuls should be withdrawn and German consulates closed. to the war. conditions of our national interest in the then Polish State became more and readjustments, would maintain Legations of States dissolved long before or From 22 June to 1 December [1941], the German army has lost in this heroic struggle: 158,773 dead, 563,082 wounded and 31,191 missing. When the Romans stood against the Carthaginians, they defended more than just Rome. That the Anglo-Saxon-Jewish-Capitalist World finds itself now in the Yugoslav and Greek assets. ( Log Out /  2. At almost the same time, the German Charge d'Affaires in Washington, Hans Thomsen, presented a copy of this note to the Chief of the European Division of the Department of State, Ray Atherton. this indifference will likewise continue, in the future. arise calculated slowly to bring America nearer such a conflict. Furthermore, the naval forces of the United States of America, under order of their government and contrary to international law, have treated and seized German merchant ships on the high seas as enemy ships. After it became clear that Germany would not respond under any circumstances to his continued boorish behavior, this man took another step forward in March 1941. Hitler detailed the increasingly belligerent actions of Roosevelt's government and then dramatically announced that Germany was now joining Japan in war against the United States. Faithful to the provisions of the Tripartite Pact of 27 September 1940, German and Italy have consequently now finally been forced to join together on the side of Japan in the struggle for the defense and preservation of the freedom and independence of our nations and empires against the United States of America and Britain. Frontiers and to demand that they should cease to exist and that it was not only of the Romans, but also above all of the Teutons (Germans). ( ocean lies between the two States. On June 27, 1940, he announced a limitation on the free movement of foreign merchant ships in US ports, completely contrary to international law. but the eternal line which divides the Eastern and Western conceptions of life. the 19th German and Rumanian formations forced the crossing of the Dniester. The result was the disruption of national life, not only in the so-called vanquished countries, but among the victors as well. Corps performed outstanding achievements though they were completely and Greek emigre governments, and once more against international law, blocked Germany and Poland will agree to whatever measures are necessary to implement the above points as quickly as possible. That he calls me a gangster is particularly meaningless, since this term did not originate in Europe, where such characters are uncommon, but in America. On this day I do not want to mention any individual section Another question arises: Why had this man [Roosevelt] developed such a fanatic hostility against a country which, in its entire history, had never harmed either America or him? And yet there is something in common between us. In 1942, when the United States interned Japanese Americans in "relocation centers,", there was no evidence that the Japanese Americans were a domestic security risk. Along with the other governments in exile, Roosevelt now recognized one for Norway. [Text of the German proposal of August 29, 1939:]. The forms of government have always been different. On 17 October the US destroyer Kearny, operating as an escort for the British, attacked a German submarine with depth charges, and on 6 November US armed forces seized the German ship Odenwald in violation of international law, took it to an American harbor, and imprisoned its crew. We were called upon to make declarations and to conclude non-aggression pacts with a number of countries many of which were not even independent because they had either been annexed or turned into subordinate protectorates by countries allied with Mr. Roosevelt [Britain and France]. Thus, American destroyers, as for instance, the. illustrate the methodical incitement which has come from this man who speaks The circle of Jews around Roosevelt encouraged him in this. About two hours before Hitler began his speech to the Reichstag, Germany formally declared war against the United States when Reich Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop delivered a diplomatic note to the American Charge d'Affaires in Berlin, Leland B. Morris. The German Reich and its I have already told the nation of the build-up of Soviet Russian military power in the East during a period when Germany had only a few divisions in the provinces bordering Soviet Russia. past, as well as of the coming decisions the present and future impose upon us. President Franklin Roosevelt's "Good Neighbor Policy", expanded initiatives begun under Herbert Hoover, allowed the U.S. to loan weapons to England to be returned when the war was over, In 1941, Germany's declaration of war against the United States, occurred before the United States declared war on it, included a mandatory arms embargo of both sides during any military conflict. of bottomless roads which would drive them almost to despair, exposed, from the Between these two countries is an ocean. Bolshevik opponent more accurately, I would have hesitated to attack, they geographical definition of our Continent, but only a national and cultural one. She and her sons [she said] refused to live in a world such as ours. A year of great decisions is approaching. Nor has it been otherwise politically active there, apart from the emigration of many millions of Germans with their skills, from which the American continent, and particularly the United States, has only benefited. blocked. On August 9, in the battle of Uman, another 103,000 Soviet Russian prisoners of war were taken, and 317 tanks and 1,100 artillery pieces were either destroyed or captured. There is no geographical definition of our continent, but only a racial [vollcliche] and cultural one. light in a telegram of 15th June to the French Prime Minister, Reynaud. all important points. They were able to bring the democratic Germany of the past [1918-1933] to starvation, and they seek to destroy the National Socialist Germany of today. You, my deputies, are best qualified to compare this loss of life with that of the present war. The battle near Kiev was completed on September 27. Minister. would have been impossible, from which emanated the idea of the New Europe as 77–331, Sess. Germany, Italy and Japan pledge not to conclude an armistice or make peace with either the United States of America or Britain unless by complete mutual agreement. Because I regarded Soviet Russia as the gravest danger not only for the German Reich but for all of Europe, I decided, if possible, to give the order myself to attack a few days before the outbreak of this conflict. Thus, it was not England which cultivated the continent, but rather Anglo-Saxon and Norman branches of the Germanic nation from our continent which moved to the [British] island and made possible her development, which is certainly unique in history. Roosevelt came from an extremely wealthy family. After a little rest, the husband of that woman came the conquest of territories-i.e., the restoration to Germany of lands which had In a message to the U.S. Congress [of 4 Jan. 1939] he threatened to take every measure short of war against the authoritarian countries. Furthermore, there are no territorial or political conflicts between the American and German nations that could possibly involve the existence or even the [vital] interests of the United States. Probably it has never by utilitarian considerations, while our reason and feelings were hostile. The attack began on 22nd of June; with irresistible The circle of Jews around Roosevelt encouraged him in this. On December 7, 1941, the Empire of Japan launched an attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, beginning a war between Japan and the United States. Berlin: 1940. account of the melting snow. By birth and origin he belonged to that class of people which is privileged in a democracy and assured of advancement. Press, 1979. The Tripartite Pact was a defensive alliance between, In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt's "quarantine" speech, received a decidedly hostile response by the American people. finances of both States were in a bad way, and ordinary economic life could After heavy fighting, German and Rumanian units were able to enter Odessa on 16 October. Apart from this, I cannot be insulted know my determination in such a struggle to be deterred by nothing, to break the conquered areas. For the current IHR catalog, with a complete listing of books and audio and video tapes, To make the establishment of a Canadian-U.S. Defence The American Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Knox, himself confirmed that the American destroyers attacked German submarines. The German Reich government has protested in the strongest terms against the Polish treatment of its minority populations. The forms of government have always been different. This Agreement comes into force On the 26th In 1932, the Hoover administration, in response to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. I thus shared my fate with millions of others, while Mr. Roosevelt shared his with the so-called upper ten thousand. Party companions: you know I have always been an enemy of half measures or weak 21,391, that of guns, 32,541 and that of aeroplanes, 17,322. And from this Europe there have not only been settlements in other parts of the world, but intellectual-spiritual [geistig] and cultural fertilization as well, a fact that anyone realizes who is willing to acknowledge the truth rather than deny it. I understand only too well that a world-wide Rumanian troops marched into Odessa after hard fighting. On the basis of these considerations, we make the following practical proposals: 1. In August 1940 a joint military policy for the United States and Canada was established. hypocritically of peace, but always urges to war. Hitler detailed the increasingly belligerent actions And when we consider the number of all those in past generations who gave their lives for the survival and greatness of the German nation, then we are really conscious of the magnitude of the duty which is ours. October the battle on the Sea of Azov was successfully concluded; again 107,000 given worthy recognition in the German Reichstag on the 4th of May. When the writers for the democratic newspapers now declare that I would have thought twice before attacking if I had known the strength of the Bolshevik adversaries, they show that they do not understand either the situation or me. When the nationality problem in the former Polish state was growing ever more intolerable in 1939, I attempted to eliminate the unendurable conditions by means of a just agreement. When I became aware of the possibility of a threat to the east of the Reich in 1940 through [secret] reports from the British House of Commons and by observations of Soviet Russian troop movements on our frontiers, I immediately ordered the formation of many new armored, motorized and infantry divisions. We have gotten to know first hand the Jewish paradise on earth. would have just as little right to worry about the central European area as the Had Italy, Spain and And on June 9 came the first British report that a US war ship, acting on orders of President Roosevelt, had attacked a German submarine near Greenland with depth charges.

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