", When he is doing an observation, principal Larry Davis of Doctors Inlet Elementary School in Middleburg, Florida, makes a special point to look around the classroom. You can always choose to take notes about specific points rather than on the entire lesson too. 12 Provide Feedback Plan Observe High quality post-observation conferences have a positive influence on the cycle of teaching and learning Quality feedback requires planning The Observation Cycle: Improving Teaching and Learning Through Better Feedback Let's say he read about an activity or approach, then tried it in the class. teachers have looked for ways to make their lessons practical and relevant An observation, though, removes the element of judgment. Additionally, it's important to talk about anticipated student behavior, problems, and concerns. ", At Lewistown (Pennsylvania) Area High School, principal Vance Varner is always looking for evidence of student learning too. This allows you to offer continued guidance. Are students engaged in the learning process? An evaluation rates a teacher, usually marking deficient areas that need improvement. Observation allows another's perspective to enter the discussion, in part because it's much easier to spot the positives and negatives when not conducting the lesson. %���� In addition, Gayle, who is principal at Griffin Middle School in Tallahassee, Classroom observation and feedback have often served as a valuable tool to improve teaching skills. Comments on the not so good in the lesson create opportunities for discussion that can result in improved teaching ability. "Are they getting students involved and interacting? ", For principal Teri Stokes at Weatherly Heights Elementary School in Huntsville, Alabama, the most important thing she looks for when observing a teacher is the overall climate of the room. One huge issue with grading is that professional people are reduced to thinking their grade is a judgment of them: nobody is a ‘good’ or ‘ outstanding’ teacher; certainly not based on one observation of a lesson when the learning is invisible. "We can all measure ourselves and our lessons against those criteria and look for evidence of those teaching standards to be present. top education news, lesson ideas, teaching tips and more! have I learned about my teaching as a result of my assessment of the lesson? Feedback Protocol: Give it with Care, Get Permission, Be Specific Before the Observation Ask the teacher what in particular they would like feedback on. Observations can, and should, be a positive experience. He also looks for evidence of a good classroom management plan, but he admits that most of his visits are announced and that "the teachers will usually bribe the students to behave when Mr. D comes to watch the class. I want to see a classroom where the teacher and all the students are learning from one another.". Price Elementary School in Chicago, also focuses her observations on student engagement. WT^ߟ�]�嬎K���g�%�?�x*�j��qV����Y��%���g�O�?|��������'�w�~������o�o~������u4�&�F��E��hZM�����{v�o�~�_��������Oȗf%-D\�.+�O�3��8�,ά��cΊ��E�h�͢i=iVۨ���}�x6�у�"J'��D��I��|��G�d��_����(�BD�7�#2����9�ݹ����e,����E�Eۙ=���� �4�S�� &Y\EQꌔ$~j��kG�](��ɮ5�֪{��9�k�O�Y,Z��?�㎳P����N��~. Get our latest COVID-19 advice. Positive feedback lets the teacher know what he should try to repeat in future lessons. ", "I look for respect from the teacher toward the students," said Karen Mink. You want to offer support and encouragement. Attitude The student: is … Valuable class time doesn't get wasted. This helps remove the element of surprise, namely the observee continually wondering, "Why does he keep writing and writing and writing?!" Allen School in Aurora, Illinois. "I look for the teacher to have a genuine interest in what the students have to offer. Find a sample accreditation report for supervisors who are supporting teachers working towards accreditation at Proficient Teacher. Remember that feedback sessions should motivate the teacher to improve his teaching ability. Is there a fair amount of student work posted? It goes without saying that evaluations cause stress and near-universal dislike. "You'll see the students' enthusiasm for learning if the lesson is an interactive one. ", Article by Gary Hopkins COPYRIGHT 1996 - 2020 BY EDUCATION WORLD, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. "I don't want the teacher to give me what they think I want to see. A mistake often happens because the person doesn't know about the problem, or has no idea how to fix it. They discuss the lesson that Miller will observe. "Most teacher contracts provide a menu of 'best practices' that tenured teachers can choose to focus on for their professional development and evaluation. ", Bonita Henderson looks closely at student work that is displayed too. You want the teacher to succeed, not to fail. Those are some of the questions I'm considering as I observe and evaluate teachers.". x��\�o�F�n���~�]�����8��i������X����D�������Rt��]\�^�����汳f�ثW�?߼{Ò�+��� K�:����Y�eqY�2��1^�qQ�"�q!�~q~��������1� Is the teacher interacting on a personal level, or is she or he more standoffish? "At the start of the school year, our staff collaborated to articulate criteria that described the classroom instruction that we held as a high standard," added Gaines, principal at Kirbyville (Missouri) Elementary School. Here's one example. As the observer, you aren't there to criticize, but rather to provide feedback from your unique perspective as a non-participant of the lesson. %PDF-1.5 "My observation takes a 'snapshot' 6: The teacher should feel comfortable with experimentation. <> Principal Ron Tibbets recognizes the complexity of lesson planning. NESA is regularly updating its advice as the coronavirus outbreak unfolds. The specifics get fuzzy, and the observation won't benefit anyone. the affective domain sets the tone for teaching and learning, I first It serves as one means for continued professional development. ", This article is presented in six parts. Their lessons should include brief explanations or mini-lessons and then segue into an activity in which students interact with one another, learning materials, or technology, with the teacher acting as facilitator, said principal Addie Gaines. Get our latest COVID-19 advice. Those questions help students define what they are to be learning. Teacher Observations as a Positive Experience, ...companies and schools which invest time, money, and energy for training produce happier staff, ...the observee isn't justifying his decisions, but rather sharing them with his peer, A (Mostly) Complete Glossary for ESL EFL Teaching. That includes gender representation and minority representation. look for evidence of a positive classroom environment; strong teacher Lastly, schedule a meeting after the lesson. "Is the classroom inviting? The teacher may also be encouraged to try new ideas, or to explore alternatives in the classroom (if not today, then in the future). Does the teacher seem to have control of the classroom? This means that a conversation should take place, with suggestions and/or alternative ideas placed on the table by both sides. Are students equitably "called-on" by the teacher? ", "I'm not sure it is the most important thing, but when I observe a teacher lesson I look for good use of time," said principal Brian Hazeltine of Airdrie (Alberta) Koinonia Christian School in Canada. below to link to other parts of the article.Excellent Evaluations (Main Article Page)It's Not a Dog-and-Pony Show: Tips for TeachersPrincipal Observations Take Many "Forms"Evaluation Advice from Principals in the TrenchesAppendice: Sample Evaluation Forms, Notice that Thompson said a snapshot of learning, not a snapshot of teaching. we asked Education World's "Principal 4: Explain how to repeat the positives and minimize (or eliminate) the negatives. yesterday's lesson, illustrates today's objectives, and opens the door He looks to be sure there are plenty of signs of a literature-rich environment and clear evidences of the school-wide emphasis on reading instruction. When conducting observations: Schedule enough time before the observation to … What do we do when we find out students are not learning? Principal Michelle Gayle examines every lesson she observes to be certain it addresses standards and benchmarks. Rather than picking at what is wrong, evaluating our performance with those criteria in mind creates a climate where teachers want to improve things for kids.". Feedback is key to observations. Do students have an opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas. Is the material connected to previous lessons? Even the best intentioned joke can prove hurtful in this type of setting. Other principals never seem to find time to get into classrooms until the deadline for completing evaluations looms. ", "Children don't learn or listen if they sense you are not invested in what you are teaching," added Schlie, principal at the International Christian School in Seoul, Korea. Center she's looking to see if instruction is appropriate for students. ", Principal Gretchen Schlie looks for a teacher's 'connectedness' with students. 3: Avoid sarcastic, personal, or condescending comments. Does this lesson have an introduction, a middle that includes guided work and independent work, and an end that includes student assessment and a conclusion? "If there is a good rapport between a teacher and students, learning will "I want to see that the teacher has written clear This doesn't have to mean one person is a better teacher than another. for tomorrow's learning. Goal: The leadership team is committed to the possibility that each teacher observe 2 – 4 teachers this spring for at least 20 minutes starting at the beginning of class. The more I focus on learning -- evidence of student learning in classrooms and evidence of teacher learning through the development of a collegial learning community -- the stronger my school will be.". Files" team to share their thoughts. Otherwise, you can stick to the points you had planned to observe, and which you discussed before the class began. Teacher: What did I say? <> before doing an observation at Saturn Elementary School in Cocoa, Florida. Her observation instrument includes a place where she records that information as well as evidence of low, mid-level, and higher-order questioning and learning. new technology to aid in their teaching. "I want to see that because, to me, it shows that the teacher values students' work. In doing so, I won't have any gray areas later, nor will the observee and I scratch our heads while trying to remember specifics. You said, "What I'd like you to do now is, um, get into pairs, right? Me: Your instructions weren't very clear to the students, so the activities often started slowly. It's best to base the focus on past observations, stating positive and negative comments from previous lessons. Education World® Editor-in-Chief And don't focus on the negative, but include the positive too. Listens and provides a mature, respectful response. "We are a Florida Reading Initiative (FRI) School," said Gayle, "so I look for aspects of our FRI plan in every classroom -- things such as active word walls and students who are using text marking and other strategies that enable them to learn as they read.".

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