Burlador de Sevilla. Spanish Ballads. Definition and Characteristics. La Poncia is not above enjoying feeding the frustration Bernarda’s daughters feel, shut up in the house. María. Garcilaso de la Vega 1498?-1536. Bermejazo platero de las cumbres. History. Bernarda has recently announced to her five daughters that there will Second Spanish Republic. La Vida es Sueño. Don Quixote. Though he never speaks or comes on stage, Pepe is an important character. Day 7. Adela reacts angrily, accusing La Poncia of spying, which prompts La Poncia to warn Adela that she knows enough to cause a scandal. Furthermore, she adds that the woman was paid by fifteen men from the village to accompany them to the olive grove! In a moment of candour when talking with the Criada at the beginning of the play, she describes all the daughters as “, La Poncia is not above enjoying feeding the frustration Bernarda’s daughters feel, shut up in the house. Life is a Dream. Day 17 Sos and Leyre Monastery, Travel 2013 Day 18. It is she who tells the eager Bernarda about Paca la Roseta, a married woman who willingly accompanied the village men on horseback with her breasts exposed while her husband was tied up to a manger (Act I, p 132). Transition to Provisional Government. Don Quixote. Characters: Pepe el Romano. For example, Act II, 148-49, during a discussion over the time Pepe left Angustias (which was 1.30 am), La Poncia pointedly says that she heard him leave around 4.00 am. Military Reform June 1931-November 1933. Second Spanish Republic. Guzman de Alfarache. Introduction. Adela, age 20, is the youngest, most attractive, spirited, and rebellious of Bemarda's daughters. The World’s Greatest Ham. Bernarda's mother, eighty years old. How does the drama The House Of Bernarda Alba represent the society at that time? Alfonso XIII. Arab and Moorish Influence on Spanish Food. Quevedo. Velázquez: From Seville to Madrid (The Court) 1623-31. Spain. Bullfighting in Spain (“Corrida de toros”). Spain. Classification. Madrid.1631-60. Casas Viejas, January 1933. Córdoba and Culture. EL Burlador de Sevilla. Travel 2017. Background and Analysis. She rules her domain with a strict, domineering, and often tyrannical sovereignty. The most frightened and gossipy of the daughters, it is she who gives in most easily to Bernarda's demands and expectations. Besides being a thorn in Bernarda’s side, La Poncia’s close relationship with Bernarda’s daughters highlights their mother’s coldness to and obsessive control over them. An Authoritarian’s Nightmare. Casa Batlló, Park Güell, La Pedrera. Madrid. Summary. History of the Jews in Spain. The House of Bernarda Alba study guide contains a biography of Federico García Lorca, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Knowing this, we can observe her behavior within the dynamics of the family, and perhaps recognize that it is as fascinating as that of Bernarda, and is in many ways more subtle. Don Quixote and the Real World. Alemán. The action takes place in the home of Bernarda Alba after the funeral of her second husband. History. Regional Autonomy. Mere Facts and Characters might be comprised in a much smaller Compass: But, would they be equally interesting?”—Samuel Richardson (1689–1761). She knows what each daughter thinks, is privy to their bickering and hopes, and can rightly claim that Bernarda, in comparison, is blind to what is going on with her daughters (Act II, 169). Overview (1). The greed of the... Pepe el Romano. Spanish Civil War. It doesn’t seem much, and what La Poncia says is true, but it obviously irks Bernarda who snaps back: “. Asturias. Regeneration and Restoration1902-23. Characters: La Poncia. Gaudí’s El Capricho. Burgo de O to Sos del Rey, Travel 2013. Early 15th-Century. Cervantes: What is it about the title “Don Quixote”? Llama de amor viva. La Poncia is also not above stirring things up between the sisters, not a difficult task given that they are constantly watching what each other is doing. León. A formal inquiry designed to prove and put upon record the blameless characters of judges, advocates and jurors.”—Ambrose Bierce (1842–1914), “Though they be mad and dead as nails,Heads of the characters hammer through daisies;Break in the sun till the sun breaks down,And death shall have no dominion.”—Dylan Thomas (1914–1953), “The Nature of Familiar Letters, written, as it were, to the Moment, while the Heart is agitated by Hopes and Fears, on Events undecided, must plead an Excuse for the Bulk of a Collection of this Kind. Bernarda's family is a landowning family and as such is wealthier than other families in the village. A senile old woman whom Bernarda keeps locked up in the back of the house. Sonnet 23. Lorca. A young man from the village... Bernarda Alba. Copyright © 2009 Spain Then and Now. History of the Rise and Fall of Islamic Spain. "The House of Bernarda Alba Characters". And then La Poncia divulges that she had paid for her eldest son to have his first sexual experience, because “men need these things.” All of which reinforces for the sisters their lack of liberty, best summarized by Magdalena: “Even our eyes don’t belong to us” i. e. we aren’t even allowed to see outside. La Poncia and Bernarda. Politics. Bernarda's fourth-oldest daugher, twenty-four years old. La Mezquita. Córdoba’s Mosque: Muslim Calligraphy and Christian Imagery. Analysis. Mientras por competir… Analysis. Two hundred women dressed in black who visit the Alba household after the funeral for Bernarda's husband. “That is the duty of all those who are paid” (Act II, 171). La Poncia’s resentment is revealed in the opening moments of the play when she sums up Bernarda’s character as cold, domineering and tyrannical (Act I, 119) towards everyone around her, including –clearly—La Poncia herself. The House of Bernarda Alba Character List Beggar Woman. She would like to escape: “I would like to cross the sea and leave this war-ridden house” (Act III, 189), but she can’t. Nov1933-Feb1936. Restoration 1900-1923. GRANADA Spain from the 17th to 20th Century. Bernarda's third-oldest daughter, twenty-seven years old. A spiteful and bitter woman, though perhaps the daughter with the most realistic sense of what limitations a woman faces in their world. Al-Andalus: 10th Century. Second Spanish Republic. Angel Ganivet (1865-1898). She is in fact their main source of village gossip. They willfully gossip with La Poncia about the house, revealing serious class resentments. In a moment of candour when talking with the Criada at the beginning of the play, she describes all the daughters as “ugly” (Act I, 121). History of Early Christian kingdoms. Bernarda character is one-dimensional: she is a bully, determined to control the lives of all those in the house. Day 2. Law. Later (Act II, 168-73), La Poncia and Bernarda exchange strong words after La Poncia senses that all is not as it seems between Angustias and her fiancé, Pepe el Romano, and pointedly asks Bernarda why Martirio would have Angustias’s picture of Pepe in her bed. Day 14 Segovia El Burgo de Osma, Travel 2013 Day 15 Berlanga, Baudelio, Gormaz, Travel 2013. Act I. The Kharjas: Early Lyrical Poetry in Spain. Lorca. An old woman who, along with her child, begs scraps from one of Bernarda's servants. The House of Bernarda Alba. Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. La Poncia offers advice (Act II, 155: suggesting Adela wait until Angustias –who is sickly- dies, after which she can marry Pepe), and enlightens them how men behave after marriage (Act II, 151). The Rokeby Venus. Velázquez. La Poncia as Intermediary. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Lorca: The House of Bernarda Alba. A Gem of Mozarabic Architecture. Precursors and the “Problem of Spain.”. Generation of 1898. Nevertheless, there is in this intimacy a certain ambivalence, if not malice, on the part of La Poncia. Iberians and Celts in 19th and 20th-Century Spain. Nor does she defend them or express any affection for them when the Criada labels them all “malas – bad” (Act III, 189), merely replying that they are “women without men. Christ in the House of Martha and Mary. Bernarda's youngest daughter, twenty years old. She is clearly unhappy, even describing –towards the end of play– the Alba house as “war-ridden,” a place which she would like to escape from (Act III, 189). Her name translates roughly to "anguish." Argoños. Spanish Ballad: En Burgos está el buen rey. La Poncia has to navigate her way between her resentment and hate for Bernarda and the need to protect not only her job but also that of her sons. 10th Century. Romanesque in Aragón, Navarra, Castile-León, Renaissance Architecture in 16th-Century Spain. Navarre. The tyrannical matriarch of the family, sixty years old. Poetic Innovations. Cantigas Gallego-Portugesas. The Question and Answer section for The House of Bernarda Alba is a great Read more about this topic:  The House Of Bernarda Alba, “Trial. Predictably, La Poncia loses little opportunity to needle Bernarda, for example reminding her that Magdalena, Amelia, Martirio and Adela are poor compared to their half sister, Angustias (who is the sole inheritor of her father, Act I, 140).

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